Saturday, September 13, 2008

Newsfeeds, and stuff.

I like this newsfeed business. When I was initially reading the concept I was like "ummm, browsing the internet isn't that we really need to add another layer of convenience?" but it's actually really cool. After creating my account on bloglines I added some newsfeeds to my account just by clicking on stuff I'm interested in. That gave me a lot of newsfeeds so then I just simply deleted the specific newsfeeds I wasn't interested in. This is a great tool for information junkies. I like the idea of not having to go to all these different websites to see if they've been updated or not.Internet has always had the stigma of not being the most reputable source of information, but rather just having a large wealth of it, yet this tool does well at whittling all that information down. Of course most people would probably just suscribe to the kind of opinions and information that confirm their biases, yet, for example, if one were to suscribe to several different newsfeeds covering a paticular topic, it might be a way to add more balance, as well as reputability, to one's source of information. i would of liked to have this feature at the beginning of my career as a political science major. cauuuse...I didn't really read the newspaper like they encouraged.

Who I'm kidding? There are more time wasting things to do with this. Like subscribing to Penny Arcade...or Elmo's Weekly Sockpuppet review....(I made the second one up...obviously).

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